Monday, May 14, 2012

Info-Shock? PTID?

... a simple poem, for your affliction... Thank you for your service

Live your life

Please remember that we can't save the world all by ourselves, we do what we can and hope that others do too
But don't forget, we can't change it all but we sure can change ourselves and have effects on much more

Please remember to make time to fight the good fight before the fighting comes to you
But don't forget to live your life so you don't forget what you're fighting for

Please remember to keep listening even when you're trying not to get caught up in the hype
But don't forget not to get too caught up in hype of a different type

Living your life is growing fresh and not too ripe

Please remember that the roses can smell pretty sweet
But don't forget about the many other things that are good

Please remember to look for the day when hating is mostly obsolete
But don't forget that sometimes simple things can be easily misunderstood

Please remember to learn, move on and not to dwell too much on what has happened since it is gone
But don't forget, echoes from the past can make waves into the future coming on

Living your life is learning to bless and embracing the dawn

1 comment:

ServoAni said...
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